First Proposal of the Macroeconmic Analysis and Forecasting Model of China (CMAFM)
This book analyzes China’s current macroeconomic situation (high savings, investment, and economic growth rates), and looks at other topics such as external demand-driven economic fluctuations, structural and cost-push inflation, and economic structural change. Additionally, the author examines the effects of China’s monetary policy and China’s experience in demand management. Finally, the book applies numerous data and economic models (the AD—AS Model, the Purchasing Power Parity Theory, and the CMAFM Model) to the analysis of China’s macro-economy.
First proposal of the Macroeconmic Analysis and Forecasting Model of China (CMAFM) as a means to analyze China’s macroeconomy and predict the future soft landing of the Chinese economy
Most accurate calculation and full range of statistics of China’s core inflation trends from 1980 to 2018
Latest research results on China's open economy based on the AD-AS Model, the Purchasing Power Parity Theory, and the IS-LM-AS Model
Theoretical policy recommendations on China’s interest rates, exchange rates, and endogenous economic fluctuations
Content Highlights
Part 1 AD-AS Model
Chapter 1 China’s AS Function and AD Function
Chapter 2 Statics and Dynamics of China’s AD-AS Model
Part 2 Growth and Inflation
Chapter 3 Mode, Structure and Efficiency of China’s Economic Growth
Chapter 4 China’s Structural Inflation and Cost-Push Inflation
Part 3 Open Economy
Chapter 5 Demand Driver and International Coupling of China’s Economic Fluctuation
Chapter 6 Dynamic Purchasing Power Parity Theory: Concept, Evidence and Prediction
Part 4 Demand Management
Chapter 7 China’s Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Model: CMAFM Model
Chapter 8 Hysteresis, Multiple Equilibrium and Reverse Soft-Landing: China’s Experience in Demand Management
Chapter 9 Rules and Effects of China’s Monetary Policy
About the Author
Zheng Chaoyu is Professor of Economics at the Renmin University of China. He was a Visiting Research Scholar of The Fulbright Program of the U.S. in 2004 and 2005. He was also selected as one of the "New Century Excellent Scholars" by the Ministry of Education of China. He is the author of Non-equilibrium Development of China's Economy, Measurement of the Effects of Monetary Policies, Research on the Economy of Speed, Research on China's Inflation and Capital Inflow, and other works.